Our Story

Hi, I’m John, and I am a physical therapist with over 20 years of experience in promoting mobility and independence for individuals recovering from injuries. I have dedicated a significant portion of my career to assisting people with walking and have used a variety of canes to aid those facing medical hardships. As a result of my experience, I understand the importance of balance, stability, and mobility when it comes to walking canes.

Several years ago, I took a break from my work as a physical therapist to donate a kidney to a family member. During my recovery period in the hospital, I had the chance to watch my favorite team compete in the World Series. Interestingly, I was bombarded with commercials for a particular walking cane during the breaks, which, while inspiring, was also frustrating since I knew it was an ineffective option that I had seen in the hands of many of my patients.

While recovering from surgery and contemplating the design of a better walking cane, I drew on my knowledge of balance, stability, and mobility, all of which were essential to the recovery of my patients. The result was the creation of The Stepwise Cane™, a cane that is designed to work as intended and provide stability and balance where many poorly designed canes fail.

Stepwise Cane™ The Smarter Way To Walk

As a physical therapist, I understand the importance of balance, stability, and mobility, and I have taken these factors into consideration while designing The Stepwise Cane™. This cane is the product of years of dreaming, building, testing, and rethinking, and I hope that you will consider taking a walk with Stepwise and experience the difference in balance and stability that it provides.